Canto is a three year old German Shepherd that had been itching constantly since a small puppy.

Canto the dog

“Canto is my 3 year old German Shepherd and his life has been totally transformed by Lynn’s care. From earliest puppy hood he was tormented by itchiness and was constantly chewing, scratching or gnawing at himself. My vet prescribed one medication after another to try to relieve Canto’s itching but the only result was that his immune system was dangerously weakened and he became seriously ill. By now I had changed vets and Canto was gaining health in a life free from medication, but he still itched a lot. When blood tests indicated that his problem was due to multiple allergies we began allergy shots but his response was an unbearable increase in itching. Fortunately, at that time I found out about Lynn.

Lynn was able to trace his itchiness to the presence of a viral infection, herpes, that he’d had since earliest puppy hood. With an anti-viral herbal treatment, teas and tinctures, and her own craniosacral work with him she cleansed his body of the herpes. Now that the physical cause of Canto’s itching has been removed Lynn is able to address the damage done on other levels of his being by his early disease and its mistreatment. In her sessions now with him she goes deeper into his life and soul so as to clear and free him from the blockages that prevent the balance within him needed for total healing. It is owing to Lynn’s amazing intuitive faculties that she can do this, but it requires, in Canto’s case, a lot of time and patience as well. Lynn has so much patience! Somehow she never loses sight of the goal and she will do whatever it takes, however long it may take, to work towards bringing Canto into full health and well being.

Lynn’s abilities are amazing. So also is her generosity and the love she feels for others that inspires her work. To have her as a healer is an incredible blessing for both you and your animal” -Greta Sloan, Lyons, CO

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Khara Wolf

Hi, I’m Khara Wolf, the owner of Websites by Khara, a web design and SEO company for small business. With 12 years of professional experience in marketing, graphic design, website design and development, and SEO, I serve clients in Durango Colorado and worldwide. As a Squarespace website designer, platinum Circle Member, and certified SEO expert, I am passionate about providing educational resources to help small business owners move the revenue needle.

Sammy, 3 year old rescue dog with behavioral issues.


Coda, a Great Dane, had lameness and pain from an auto accident, and chronic digestive issues.