Lucy, a cat with compression in her neck and spine.
Lynn has really helped my cat Lucy. I was able to visibly watch as Lynn worked on Lucy with distance Cranial work. Lucy was jammed in her neck and back and had trouble looking up. After her session with Lynn, Lucy showed no signs of compression in her neck and spine! Amazing! She was back to normal! Lynn is gentle and loving in her approach and works from her heart with knowledge and wisdom.
Finn, a cat with emotional trauma.
I actually physically watched my beloved cat who had been abused by a boy transform from a traumatized, emotionally paralyzed, and frightened cat to a wide-eyed kitten playing with a ball of yarn…
Lily, a Thoroughbred jumper, who was reluctant jump and spooked easily.
I contacted Lynn because my Thoroughbred jumper Lily did not seem to want to do her job any more. She no longer wanted to go forward and bucked hard in front of the jumps like she did not want to jump anymore. Lynn was amazing. She fixed all of Lily’s problems at once…
Luna, Golden Retriever with injury and lameness
Luna, our dog, was unable to get up when I arrived home. After the session with you, we went to bed. In the middle of the night, Luna got up by herself (she could not do this before I called you) checked in on the girls then went back to sleep by my bed…
Sammy, 3 year old rescue dog with behavioral issues.
Sammy was breaking the doggie rules with wild abandon. He was begging for food at the table, chasing cats and chickens, growling or nipping people who come to visit us, and stealing cat food. After Lynn’s session with Sammy, his behavior improved immediately…