Jake, an 11 year old Wheaton Terrier, with seizures and difficulties with motor coordination.

“Jake is our Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier. He is a laid back and calm. Jake is very much our companion. He spends the day in the company of my husband, a psychologist and, during the night, on our bed. Though he is eleven years old, his behavior seems more like that of a younger dog.

September 2007, Jake experienced what we believe was his first seizure. The next day he experienced another one. We took him to his vet, who prescribed a low dosage of Phenobarbital. After Jake experienced another seizure, we had his Phenobarbital level measured, and it was found to be below the therapeutic threshold. Since we were going away for a week, we agreed to the vet’s recommendation to increase his medication. When we returned, Jake’s pet sitter told us that he had had three seizures during the week, and that evening he had two more.

On the higher dose of medication, Jake’s behavior changed markedly. His reaction to the meds was characterized by extreme lethargy, restlessness, and difficulties with motor coordination – especially in his back legs. He had marked difficulty navigating up and down the stairs, couldn’t manage to jump up on our bed, bumped into things, and his hind legs slipped on our hardwood floors.

We were at a loss – we didn’t want to increase his medication again. But we also knew he was suffering. Then I sought help from Lynn in January 2008.

Jake had his first session with Lynn. It’s unbelievable – our Jake is back! He’s like a puppy – post intervention by Lynn his energy level has increased dramatically. He seems very much his old self. His problems with motor coordination have disappeared. He now leaps up on our bed with ease, navigates up and down the stairs with gusto. Chases the squirrels. His appetite is hearty again. His restlessness has decreased significantly. It’s truly beyond belief!” -Sandy and Bruce, PA

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Khara Wolf

Hi, I’m Khara Wolf, the owner of Websites by Khara, a web design and SEO company for small business. With 12 years of professional experience in marketing, graphic design, website design and development, and SEO, I serve clients in Durango Colorado and worldwide. As a Squarespace website designer and certified SEO expert, I am passionate about providing educational resources to help small business owners move the revenue needle.


Luna, Golden Retriever with injury and lameness


Sammy, 3 year old rescue dog with behavioral issues.